Page 57 - Moto Activity Based Working
P. 57

Moto                                                                                               Moto

 Product Specifications                                                            Product Specifications

 Warranty      Standard wall materials absorb 3%, Moto has been
 Frame: 10 years
               tested and absorbs 76% of sound waves!
 Fabric: Moto Felt 5 years

 Delivery Times  Imagine standing in the middle of a room with all concrete surfaces and one open window, and you blow a loud
 Stock Items: Finishes/combinations shown in this    whistle. The sound that hits the open window passes right through. The sound that hits the concrete surfaces in
 pricelist - 10 days  the room begin to reflect back. The NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) of the open window would be 1.00 which is
 Standard Projects: Standard components, alternate    the absence of sound reflection. The NRC of concrete is .03, indicating that 97% of the noise that hits the concrete
 mix of ‘Moto Felt’ / Eurotex PU upholstery - 70-80 days  surfaces will reflect back off the surface. The NRC value of a surface simply denotes its ability to absorb vs reflect
 Custom Projects: Non-standard components or non-  sound. The higher the NRC value, the stronger the sound absorption and the lower the sound reflection in the room.
 standard upholstery - 100 days
               Moto panels have an NRC rating of 0.76 which means that 76% of the sound wave entering into the material will be
 Assembly      captured and converted. Moto dramatically contributes to reduction of noise bleed in open plan environments!
 Assembly is required for the majority of Moto products
 and is not included in the product price.

 Acoustics      Acoustics

                                Moto Acoustics - absorbs 76% of sound waves!
 Acoustic    High density
 Moto Felt  sound substrate


                         Sound absorption co-efficient                                      Gypsum Board (Gib Board)

 A sound is                  0.8                                                         KEY: Moto Materials
 emitted                                                                                    Glass
 A large                                                                                    Concrete
 percentage                  0.6
 of sound is
 absorbed                    0.4

 A small
 of sound is
                                   125      250      500      1000     2000      4000
 acoustic foam
                                                     Frequency (Hz)

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