Page 5 - Moto Activity Based Working
P. 5

The way we work has changed. The days of the process worker   Range of Spaces

 doing one task at one desk are gone. The days of the knowledge
 worker have arrived and are here to stay. Working on a diverse   Throughout a normal working day a number of diverse tasks
 range of tasks throughout the day, from focused individual work   are undertaken. Tasks range from High to Low Focus and from

 through to open collaborative work and everything in between.   Individual to Collaborative. Our furniture provides workers with
 Technology has advanced to the point where people are   a range of effective environments to match each unique task.
 connected everywhere they go. The ability to check a work email
 from home or have a business meeting with someone on the other
 side of the world provides great possibilities for the future of work.

 So shouldn’t our office environments reflect this?   HIGH FOCUS

 Moto is about providing the workplace with a family of products

 to better suit the diverse range of tasks that workers of today are
 facing. It’s about empowering employees to choose a space that
 will work for them. This could be a private work pod to complete
                                     High Focus                         High Focus
 a high focus task, a team workspace to provide training to your   Individual  Collaborative
 staff,  or an open collaborative area to build stronger working

 relationships. Designed with flexibility and customisation in mind,   INDIVIDUAL                  COLLABORATIVE
 Moto can provide a range of spaces with our system of office
 furniture. Because no two workplaces are the same.

                                     Low Focus                           Low Focus
                                      Individual                       Collaborative

                                                      LOW FOCUS

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